Supplemental Services

Supplemental Services are provided, thanks to EBM receiving corporate sponsorship, a government grant or through fundraising. These services are free of charge to our clients and offered for a specific period of time, as long as there are funds to cover the cost.

Music Therapy

Laurena Segura has been offering Music Therapy to EBM clients since September 2022. Laurena is a musical artist in every sense. She holds a Master’s Degree in Music Therapy plus a Bachelors of Music and Certificate of Psychology from University de Montréal. She is a singer/songwriter who is comfortable playing many instruments stating,” Rather than master a particular instrument, I would rather play a bit of each”.   One-hour sessions with Laurena include discussing music or listening to music, learning a new instrument or a song.

Alexandra Hadjis Chartrand, MTA has been working with EBM clients since August 2023. She is a certified music therapist currently completing her Masters in music therapy. Alexandra has a Bachelor of Music from UQAM, a diploma in Music Therapy and a Masters Degree in Creative Art Therapies from Concordia University.

Art Expression

Art Expression, EBM’s newest supplemental service was introduced in March 2023. Artistically talented volunteers have been recruited to facilitate and engage our clients in creative projects. Free individual sessions are available in a client’s home and we hope to offer group sessions in the near future.

To sign up for EBM’s Provisional Services, please contact EBM at (514) 939-9575.

Taxi Program

Entraide Bénévole Métro offers a free taxi to EBM clients returning from a medical accompaniment. Clients receiving dialysis or chemotherapy can be accompanied to and from their appointment by taxi.

EBM will discuss the taxi service with clients when a medical accompaniment is requested. Once the medical appointment is finished, the volunteer accompanying the client will advise EBM to call a taxi to the appropriate address then bring the volunteer and client back to the client’s home.

EBM will cover the cost for the taxi. The client is responsible for tipping the driver.